How does it affect you and your health?
Looking at our gathered evidence we can see that a main contrubitor to the air pollution in oakland are cars with in mind, here are some things you can do with your car and in general to help with that:
driving less especially big cars, carpooling, and driving electric can help along with getting your checked up reguraly are all good ways to reduce pollution and making the air you breath, just that bit cleaner.
A good way to asiast is by connecting with local groups like Communities for a Better Environment, which can help you take action on issues that affect your health and environment.
Its also possible to Find a clean air advocacy group working near you. For example, Moms Clean Air Force, a national group of more than a million parents, organizes communities to protect clean air and our kids' health in 20 states.
Soruces: "How pollution impacts health in West Oakland" and "Air pollution and health in East Oakland"